Summer slide. It’s a term all educators are familiar with, and some parents may be as well. Summer slide is the learning lost many students experience as a result of being out of school for the summer vacation.
This summer, educators and parents alike are not only concerned about summer slide. COVID Slide is the new term that refers to the learning lost many students have experienced as a result of the school closures. Many schools rapidly switched to remote learning in March 2020. Schools, parents, and students spent roughly 4 months adapting to the new realities of school while living during a global pandemic.
The 2020-2021 school year will definitely be like no other. We are still living with many uncertainties as we try to plan for the upcoming school year. But what can parents do to prevent any more sliding?
In the next few articles of this series, I will share some tips/activities to use with your child during these long summer days. Simple, brief, and fun activities can help your child start the new school year in a good place.
The Alphabet
Identifying letters and sounds is an essential early literacy skill for elementary students. Each September, I notice Kindergarten students come in knowing the popular ABC song. They are so eager to sing the song and share what they already know. However, when I show them a sheet of letters and ask them to point to each letter and tell me the letter name and sound, many of them are unable to. While it is great that students know the ABC song, parents can take learning to the next level by helping their child identify each letter.
Here are some ideas you can use this summer:
· Alphabet Shaving Cream
This one is a bit messy, but it’s loads of fun. Spread shaving cream on a table (or a baking sheet to keep the mess more contained). Call out letters and have your child practice writing them in the shaving cream.
· Alphabet Sort
For this activity you will need some bowls and wooden, magnetic, or foam letters. Label each bowl with a letter. Then have your child sort and match letters into each bowl.
· Alphabet Painting
Create beautiful letter paintings with your child.
No matter what alphabet activities you engage in with your child, make sure you are saying the name of the letter each time you touch them or move them. This way your child will be able to recognize the letters when he/she sees them.