Dorca is a Reading Development Teacher and Teacher Coach who oversees programs at a charter school in New York. She shares tips for parents who are trying to navigate the challenges of homeschooling and remote learning.
By Dorca Casseus
It has now been 4 weeks since the beginning of the school closures due to COVID-19. Parents have their children with them full-time; 24/7. The memes, videos, and tweets from parents have been hilarious and we teachers are truly entertained by them. As much as parents can’t wait to send their children back to school, teachers can’t wait to be back with their students in the school building. Believe me…WE MISS THEM!!! I can only imagine how hard it is to juggle housework, caring for children, helping them with their school work, and doing your own remote work.
First and foremost, remember we are living during a pandemic. These are uncharted territories and we are all making it up as we go. We are literally building the plane as we fly it. We know many parents have been overwhelmed by the amount of work given during the school closure and the amount of calls they are getting from teachers. Please know, our goal is to provide as much resources and work as we can. We are going to continue to provide a high level of support during this time. However, it is up to parents to decide how much to take advantage of these resources. Of course, there are some things that are non-negotiable. We have to hold students accountable to be “present” in their virtual classes. However, work with your school or children’s teachers to find a happy medium for each of you. Communicate with them your needs and what you are able and are not able to accomplish given your circumstances. We are flexible and want to work with you.
We also know how challenging it can be to keep children entertained and busy all day. Here are some tips/ideas:
– Routinize Your Day –
Have a daily schedule. Children like knowing what to expect. So create a daily schedule for them to follow. Start the day with washing up, getting dressed and breakfast. Plan the times they will work on various subjects for school. Be sure to include time for lunch, breaks and playtime/recess.
– Be Flexible –
There might be some disruptions to your daily schedule. That’s ok…don’t be too rigid. Enjoy this quality time with your family.
– Take Advantage of Video Conferencing –
Allow your children to join video calls with their teachers and classmates. It will help them to socialize and see their friends from school.
– Plan Projects –
There is so much joy in starting a project and completing it. Work together as a family to complete a project. It can be anything from painting a picture to completing a puzzle. I think it’s just important to spend this time with your kids and have fun.
– Be Honest –
Explain to your children what is happening. There are so many great resources online about how to explain the pandemic and COVID-19 to children. Take advantage of these resources and discuss with them the realities of our world today. Allow them to express themselves and how they feel about the changes to their daily lives.
Above all, enjoy this time with your families. When they look back years from now, they probably won’t remember that assignment from their teacher. They will remember how they spent the time with you…their parents.